Falmouth Flexible Resource Centre

Winning international film competitions: Graduate story

Written by Falmouth Flexible | Jun 2, 2023 3:07:00 PM

Discover the transformative journey of a screenwriter and filmmaker who pursued an online master's degree in screenwriting with Falmouth Flexible. 

We spoke to student Peter Salisbury about the networking opportunities, work-life balance and career impact he experienced throughout Falmouth Flexible's online MA in Writing for Script & Screen.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background. 

I am a screenwriter and filmmaker from England, now living in Ireland. My love for the cinema goes back to my childhood when my parents gave me a Super8 cine camera with which I attempted to make short films with my school friends. That childhood interest in filmmaking led to a lifelong passion for cinematic storytelling.

I started as a cinematographer specialising in documentary and film-style video production for broadcast and corporate clients and culminated in taking a course in film directing at the Irish Film School with film director John Boorman. 

Why did you choose to study online with Falmouth Flexible? 

I was looking for a master’s degree that I could study part-time alongside my freelance work. Falmouth offered a course in screenwriting with the flexibility of learning online.

I was also aware of Falmouth’s reputation as one of the leading creative arts universities in the UK, and of the university’s connections with the screen industries and of its support of entrepreneurship within its students’ learning.

It wasn’t easy finding an online master’s course that focused on the professional and creative development of screenwriters.

In most places I looked, screenwriting was just one component within a broader course on film production or creative writing, which was not for me. It was when my wife discovered an advert for Falmouth’s MA in Writing for Script and Screen, I knew I had found what I was looking for.  

What motivated you to study this course at master’s level? 

I wanted to develop my creative practice as a screenwriter. I knew the basics, what a screenplay looked like on the page and what it was used for within the film industry. But I wanted to delve deeper into the practice of screenwriting. I wanted to immerse myself fully in the art of writing screenplays and discover more about the creative process involved in writing scripts for film and TV. And this course helped with all of this and much more. 

Read our guide to formatting and structuring your work for the screen:

What are the networking opportunities like for online students? 

We were encouraged to network with each other throughout the course. This was mainly through the online forum, in which we were able to share ideas on the course materials and take part in virtual discussions on the weekly topics we were studying. All of this helped me feel part of the larger Falmouth University screenwriting community.

One of the best networking opportunities was the face-to-face events. I attended two of these over the two years, one in Dublin and the other one in Rome. They were a great way to meet fellow students and tutors. These events also provided us with a wonderful opportunity to network with industry professionals. In Rome, we met studio executives from Sky Italia, Netflix and Lux Vide.  

How did you balance work, study and socialising?  

A master’s degree is hard work and requires a lot of time and dedication, so I knew right from the start that I would need to balance my work and study carefully. Studying online gave me great flexibility. I knew this was going to be a once in a lifetime experience and I was determined I wasn’t going to miss out on any of it.

As a freelancer I was in the fortunate position of being able to adjust my work commitments to fit around my studies, especially when it came to preparing assignments for submission. During the second year, I decided to immerse myself in the course in order to focus on my screenwriting. For the final six months, while researching and writing my final major project, I devoted all of my time to my creative practice. 

What was the support like, both during the application process and your studies?  

The support I received throughout the course was amazing. From my first contact with the University and guidance through the application process, right through my two years of study. The quality of teaching and tutoring was consistently of a very high standard.

My tutors were very supportive throughout the course, their feedback on my writing was always insightful and very encouraging, and my Final Major Project supervisor was a wonderful mentor. 

Have you been able to apply what you’re learning within your current job? 

I completed the MA in December 2022 and have been writing every day since. I am currently working on two screenwriting projects, one of which is the screenplay I wrote for my final major project, which I am pitching to film producers here in Ireland.

The masters taught me how to develop new project ideas effectively and research real-time opportunities within the marketplace. I am engaging with the industry at a level I would not have been capable of before doing MA. 

Also, as I enjoyed writing the critical reflective journal of my creative work so much, I have continued writing about my screenwriting practice on my website. 

How has the course helped you with your career so far? 

Studying for the MA in screenwriting has had a huge impact upon my creative practice.  We were writing constantly throughout the course. The screenwriting I carried out in the study modules helped me build up a substantial portfolio of work, including scripts for two short films and one feature length screenplay.

The MA has given me new confidence as a screenwriter. It taught me the skills to complete screenplays to an industry standard, which means they are now being shortlisted and winning international film competitions in Europe, the US and Australia. It also equipped me with the skills needed to seek out film producers and pitch my work to the industry. 

Peter Salisbury won a Jacques Tati Film Award in 2022 for 'Best Un-Produced Short Screenplay'. 

Would you describe the course as a good investment?  

It has been an amazing journey of discovery. For me, this was the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to immerse myself in a subject that has always fascinated me. I would definitely say the MA in Writing for Script and Screen is a good investment for anyone looking to develop their creative practice and take their screenwriting to the next level. 

Who do you think will benefit most from this course? 

Anyone who has a genuine interest in the creative process involved in developing scripts for film and television will benefit immensely from this course. I won’t pretend it isn’t a challenging course. It will stretch you both creatively and intellectually. Falmouth’s MA in Writing for Script and Screen will not disappoint. I have loved my experience on the course and I can honestly say it has changed my life.

During Falmouth's MA Writing for Script & Screen, you will explore strategies for promoting yourself as a freelance scriptwriter and work on a major script development project. Choose from three start dates per year: