Falmouth Flexible Resource Centre

Photography face-to-face at Unseen Fair, Amsterdam

Written by Falmouth Flexible | Dec 1, 2020 9:52:32 AM

MA Photography students and staff once again will be meeting up at this face-to-face event at Unseen Fair, Amsterdam from 22 to 24 September 2017. The event will provide an opportunity for students across cohorts to meet each other. 

Unseen Amsterdam was founded in 2012 by Foam (Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam), and is a fair focusing exclusively on what’s new in the world of photography. As well as the fair, there will be exhibitions across the city coinciding with this event.

As per the previous face-to-face trips, a detailed timetable will be released nearer the event and when the full programme has been announced. It will be a great opportunity for students to network with eachother, the course staff, as well as other professionals from the industry.

Join us on our Falmouth Flexible Twitter and Facebook accounts and use the hashtag #UnseenFalmouth