Falmouth Flexible Resource Centre

How can a masters degree in Photography improve your practice?

Written by Falmouth Flexible | Dec 1, 2020 10:54:22 AM

Falmouth Flexible MA Photography student Rehab Eldalil's work has been published in two magazines that showcase new photography talent - Witness and Medium.  

Rehab is based in Egypt and the main focus of her work is social and cultural concerns. This has led her to collaborate with agencies such as UNHCR, UNICEF, Goethe Institute and Getty Images.

Her ‘From the Shadows’ (working title) explores how working with local communities themselves can challenge orientalist and colonial narratives of local Egyptian people.

We spoke to Rehab about how studying a masters degree online is helping her develop her photography practice:

"I chose to do an MA Photography with Falmouth Flexible because I found that the programme was really interesting and works very well with my work and personal commitments.

As an independent photographer I get assignments all around Egypt and abroad, sometimes at very short notice, so I wouldn't have been able to commit to an on-campus programme.

I also love this programme because I'm able to apply my studies on a work in progress here in Egypt and work on a project I have been wanting to do for a long time.

I love the fact that I could attend lectures anywhere and anytime so it accommodates with my schedule and the recorded sessions also help me go back and review what has been discussed and catch up to whatever I've missed.

The Face-to-Face events are also a great way to meet my tutors in person and get to attend interesting events in the process. I'm really enjoying the theoretical readings and discussions in the programme, something that I haven't had access to even during my bachelors.

I'm also very grateful for the diverse backgrounds of my tutors and the references mentioned in the modules, this has opened my eyes to wider range of practices, approaches and methodologies in photography."

Thank you to Rehab for speaking with us! See more of her stunning images on Instagram

Falmouth Flexible offer an MA Photography that you can study flexibly online. The course is delivered by Falmouth University – a TEF gold-standard university – and designed to help you kickstart your career as a successful photographer. 

Featured image: Copyright Rehab Eldalil