Falmouth Flexible Resource Centre

3 Surprising Specialties You Could Pursue With an MA in Photography

Written by Falmouth Flexible | Dec 1, 2020 9:29:20 AM

1. Sample Food Photography While You Complete Your Photography Masters Degree Online
2. Get Lucrative Work in the Property Market Once You Complete Your MA in Photography
3. Use Your MA in Photography to Get Back to Nature

What kind of photographer are you? For many professionals, particularly those in the early stages of their career, the answer to this question can often remain frustratingly unclear. Even the most talented photographers need time to find their own style and carve out a sustainable niche within the industry.

One of the greatest benefits of pursuing an MA in photography is that it gives you the chance to further examine your style, exploring new techniques and methods to develop a more distinctive individual voice. For many graduates, this can often lead to an exciting new phase of their careers, as they branch out into new areas.

And while some will seek out more common paths such as photojournalism, fashion or studio photography, others find unexpected new career paths in rewarding areas. Read on to learn about some of the more unusual photography specialities you could consider as you learn new techniques and styles during your masters programme.

1. Sample Food Photography While You Complete Your Photography Masters Degree Online

If you’re passionate about fine dining and ornately arranged dishes, perhaps food photography could be right for you. Food photographers prepare and photograph different types of food for advertising and packaging, and usually enjoy regular, lucrative work.  

What’s more, students enrolled in photography postgraduate courses who wish to establish themselves in this field will benefit from Falmouth’s unrivalled reputation in the creative industries—which can make it easier to find and secure work from potential employers.

Here’s what photographer and Honorary Fellow Andy Earl had to say about graduates he encountered in the industry:

“Working in photographic studios in London and chatting to assistants, more often than not, they’re from Falmouth. There’s a confidence, willingness and passion that they want to get on… there’s a lovely quality to a Falmouth student.”

Specialised professionals like food photographers are in high demand in the advertising industry

2. Get Lucrative Work in the Property Market Once You Complete Your MA in Photography

Architectural photographers specialise in capturing images that showcase both the interior and exterior structures of buildings. They are often required by estate agents to prepare pictures of new properties when they go on the market, making this quite a lucrative area for students to consider.

It can also be quite a challenging and artistically rewarding field, requiring the ability to capture intricate and unique architectural detail while also providing a clear picture of the building to customers. Architectural photographers can also be enlisted by the tourism industry to photograph city skylines and famous landmarks for brochures.   

3. Use Your MA in Photography to Get Back to Nature

For more adventurous students, an MA in photography can literally lead into the unknown. Wildlife photographers, for instance, are sometimes required to travel to remote locations and get up close and personal with exotic animals. Students looking to broaden their horizons can also consider areas such as landscape and travel photography.

MA in photography graduates can explore exciting career opportunities in exotic places

Regardless of what kind of photographer you want to be, a masters course will give you the chance to use individual projects to explore whatever interests you, and engage in group discussions and critiques to get feedback and perspectives from a diverse range of industry professionals.

Here’s what Falmouth graduate Tom Dymond, now an established independent photographer, had to say about the learning environment:

“Falmouth really helped me prepare for my career. The live briefs we undertook built up my confidence and the underlining theoretical teaching helps me with the day-to-day aspects of being a photographer.”

And because blended learning courses are structured to allow you to continue working full-time while you complete your degree, you can start to actively work towards the career you want as soon as you find it!

Interested in pursuing a photography masters degree online?

Contact Falmouth to find out more about our courses!