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Dejan is a practicing scriptwriter and narrative designer working in the video game sector. 

Originally a film studies researcher and now a video game scriptwriter, Dejan has been working with screen media for over a decade.

He currently works with both UK and international clients to design and produce narrative content for video game productions.

Loves working in a variety of genres but has a soft spot for hard-boiled noir!

Four of Dejan's career highlights

  • Completing a research PhD in film studies at the University of Manchester in 2013 and realising he’d prefer to work in screen production rather than just studying it, leading him to get involved in video games and interactive narrative design projects 

  • Getting first professional credit as writer/narrative designer for Calvino Noir – a film noir inspired stealth puzzle game for iOS, PC and Apple TV, which went on to win a place in Apple’s Best of 2015 list

  • Working on a number of further indie productions across a variety of game and story genres including Peregrin (a sci-fi puzzle game for iOS, PC), True Legacy (sci-fi/noir interactive fiction puzzle game for iOS) and Storm Works: Build & Rescue (coastguard-themed sandbox game for PC)

  • His current work on Tau Station, a sci-fi MMO RPG.

A little advice?

Seek out feedback! Many writers are wary of sharing work until they feel it’s perfect. But behind most great pieces of writing, there’s a well-managed feedback and review process! It doesn’t have to be public, but writers will always benefit from sharing and rehearsing ideas with others throughout the entire writing process.